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Services We Offers

Our Specialities

" Oral Medicine & Radiology,Periodontics, Orthodontics,Endodontics, Prosthodontics, Pedodontics,
Cosmetic Dentistry, Oral & Maxilofacial Surgery, Dental Implantology, Smile Designing "

Laser dental Treatments

If you want fast results with a minimum of pain ,swelling and post operative problems, this is the new branch of dentistry may be for you. Laser dentistry offers a long lasting and highly effective alternative to painful and noisy drilling procedures. Lasers can now be used to perform a variety of functions including bleaching, caries removal, restoration and periodontal surgery. These lasers work with other agents to achieve better results. Lasers can also remove plaque as well as dental decay from a caries effected tooth by preparing it for a filling .A laser beam can also help to harden bonding material .Finally it can help periodontal (gum related) problems also. Lasers can be used to reshape gums by removing excess or affected gum tissue in gum diseases sufferers and also remove bacteria from pockets created between diseased gums and teeth.

Preventive Dental Care

A dentist can ensure the child learns to brush and floss properly,that greatly reducing the risk of dental problems throughout his or her lifetime. The dentist can also ensure the child and the parent to understand how decay occurs and how proper eating and oral hygiene habits can help to prevent it.
As the child grows older the dentist keeps an eye out for future tooth alignment or bite problems, and can suggest preventive measures that can reduce more extensive and expensive orthodontic treatment later on.

Child Dentistry

With two different sets of teeth to worry about , children’s dental needs are different than those of adults .For this reason paediatric dentistry excists.The parents of infants deal with treating the threat of baby bottle tooth decay and later , potential thumb-sucking and pacifier dependency issues that can threaten oral health . Older children, meanwhile have to deal with loosened baby teeth and preparing their mouths for possible orthodontics work later on and of course all children should be learned preventive dental care technique such as daily brushing and flossing to prevent dental problems.

Baby Teething

As the baby teeth emerge between the ages of six months to three years, the baby can experience sore gums and other forms of discomfort. A dentist can advice the patient about how to handle and reduce the discomfort. He or she can also counsel the parent on proper cleaning techniques once the teeth erupt.

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Often, well meaning parents “treat their babies with a bottle of juice or milk at bed time .The sugar content in these liquids gather around the infant’s teeth, and gums, feeding the bacteria which cause plaque. Prolonged and frequent exposure to these sugars can cause the baby’s teeth prone to decay. Early decay can necessitate early extraction. To avoid this situation, bottles should be filled with water only ,ideally bottle should not be given at night time and babies should be weaned off the bottle between the ages of twelve and fourteen months. A pediatric dentist can advice parents on how to prevent and treat baby bottle tooth decay


This is a normal activity for infants and very young children and usually stops between the ages of two to four. However, if it continues even after the permanent teeth have begun to emerge bite problems can occur like forwardly placed upper front teeth i.e. towards the lip or not coming properly .In these cases dentists can recommend a mouth appliance to block the habit.

Surgical Treatments

We offer a full range of minor oral surgical procedures including the following.
1. Extraction of single and multi rooted erupted teeth
2. Removal of buried root and fractured or residual roots
3. Removal of impacted ,ectopic, super numerary teeth
4. Exposure of teeth
5. Surgical endodontics (apicectomy and retrograde root canal treatment)
6. Wisdom teeth removal
7. Biopsy..

Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment

Bite and alignment problems can be most easily corrected while the jaw is still growing. The paediatric dentist can suggest appliance to stretch and shape a child’s jaw and mouth to prepare for future orthodontic treatment once the permanent teeth have come in.

Cosmetic Dentistry 

Your smile is the first impression that others have of you, so it makes sense that you would want it to be bright white and healthy. According to the American academy of cosmetic dentistry more than 99 % of American adults believe that a smile is an important asset for social situation perhaps that is why so many patients are electing cosmetic dental procedures that are capable of transforming your smile, tooth shape, color ,alignment as well as filling in gaps and restoring discreetly decayed or damaged teeth with tooth colored fillings .In fact modern advancements in cosmetic dentistry have made it possible for patients to achieve nearly perfect teeth with cosmetic enhances and restorations that are virtually undetectable to friends ,family and peers.uce more extensive and expensive orthodontic treatment later on.


They are an effective cosmetic treatment that can guarantee bright flawless smiles, being used to address number of problems, including gaps between the teeth, worn chipped or japed teeth and stained teeth. Veneers are thin sheets of laminated porcelain that are applied to the teeth to create dazzling new smiles

 Tooth Whitening  

Tooth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatment and can transform the appearance of teeth in a short period of time.The treatment process is safe, simple and quick. Typically, you can expect your teeth to be around 10 to 30 percent shades brighter after treatment and the procedure is painless and quick.

Composite Fillings

Bonding is a restorable procedure performed to repair damaged tooth that is either worn, chipped, decayed or discolored. After removing the damaged tooth structure, we “bond” or attach a tooth colored material called composite resin onto the teeth surface. Bonding is also an effective way to close a small gap between two teeth. The tooth is then restored by preparing its surface and then etching it to increases sensitivity and adhesive potential. Next, the prepared area of the tooth is coated with a bonding liquid, which is set by shining a bright light onto the tooth .once the liquid is set the previously color matched composite resin is place onto your tooth surface and sculpted to the desired shape .The light is used at second time to harden the composite. After the composite has set, the restoration is sculpted and polished to a high luster. Now the aesthetic imperfections have been corrected and the bonded tooth blondes beautifully into the smile.


Orthodontic problems, such as crooked and twisted teeth, gaps between the teeth, poor alignment and crowding are common .These dental irregularities can affect the normal function of the mouth and the appearance of the smile, which may have implications on people’s self esteem and confidence. Orthodontic treatment aims to straighten teeth, improving smile aesthetics and boost self confidence. At Homely Dental care, we are delighted to offer clients a comprehensive range of teeth straightening treatment from removable appliances to fixed appliances .Thanks to modern technology that we can create beautiful straight smiles in a short period of time, without any pain or stress, to help you look and feel at your best

 Crown and Bridges 

Damaged tooth or significantly discolored teeth can be restored by the use of crowns and bridges. A crown is a dental restorative technique, which completely caps or encircles a tooth or dental implant. On being bonded to the tooth it provides a younger and natural smile with significantly enhancing the life of the natural tooth. Todays cosmetic dental crown look and feel just like natural teeth and made of durable dental porcelain or zirconia. Cosmetic dental crowns are stain resistant and easy to care .For in fact, with proper care and maintenance your dental crown will last for years and years.We also offer dental lodges which are fixed replacement options when there is a missing tooth between two teeth(or with two adjacent teeth) The most common method of crowning a tooth involve fabrication of the crown using a dental impression of a prepared tooth by a dentist, outside of the mouth. The crown can then be inserted using strong restorative materials at a subsequent dental appointment to save time.

Botox and Filler Treatment

Dermal fillers are natural substances that can be used to fill in deep lines on the face or to replace volume that has been lost over the years. It is not uncommon for both women and men to feel that they’ve lost volume in their cheeks, or that their smile lines are getting deeper with time. Dermal fillers address both of these problems by adding back the lost volume to smooth out the skin and give you back your more youthful appearance.
Dermal fillers and Botox are very different, though they can be used nicely together to improve the appearance of your skin. While Botox is a protein that relaxes the overactive muscles of the face (to decrease wrinkle formation), dermal fillers add volume. Dermal fillers do not affect the muscles of the face; rather, they actually fill in areas of volume loss or deep wrinkles. While the effects of Botox last up to 4 months, dermal fillers last between 6 months and 2 years. Botox and dermal fillers are often used together, to smooth out the dynamic muscles of the face due to overactivity and to improve areas of volume loss over time.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root surgically placed directly into the jawbone where a tooth is missing. A dental implant acts as an anchor for a single replacement tooth, or a set of replacement teeth. Implants provide a good alternative to crown and bridges due to the fact they are in no way attached to neighboring teeth and thus look and feel like natural teeth.Dental implants are suitable for patients of all ages who are missing one or more teeth. Patients who do not have enough bone to support the implant will have to consider options for correcting the bone deficiency. Adequate bone in the jaw, as well as healthy gum tissue that is free of periodontal disease is needed to support the implant. Those who suffer from jaw clenching or grinding should discuss there options with a dentist as the success rate for dental implants decreases significantly for people with chronic jaw problems.From short to finish, the dental implanting procedure can take up to nine months to complete. This lengthy procedure has a very high success rate about 95 % depending on the placement of the implant and is an extremely reliable option for tooth replacement.

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures can either be given immediately or just after healing get completed .The ordinary dentures are made after the teeth have been removed and the gum tissue got healed.
A conventional denture is usually placed in the mouth after about 8 to 12 weeks after the teeth have been extracted.
Immediate dentures are made in advance and are placed as soon as the teeth are removed. The patient is saved from the embarrassment of not having teeth during the healing period. However, due to shrinkage of bones and gums during the healing period following tooth removal ,generally this should be considered only be as a temporary solution until regular dentures can be made. 

Partial Dentures

They could be removable partial denture or fixed partial dentures. Removable partial usually consists of replacement teeth attached to a pink or gum coloured acrylic (plastic) base, which is connected by metal or plastic slaps that holds the denture in place in the mouth. Partial dentures are used when one or more natural teeth are missing in the upper or lower jaw. Not only does a partial denture fill the spaces created by missing teeth, it prevents other teeth from shifting position.

Flexible Partial Dentures

Flexible partial dentures are the comfortable and affordable choice. Surflex partial dentures are light weight flexible, more comfortable and practically invisible with no metal clasps that are usually seen in other acrylic plates. They are strong biocompatible nylon thermoplastic , unbreakable , and translucent which allows natural tissue to show through. These can be made very thin, thus reducing the bulk required for strength in acrylic dentures.

Precision Partial Dentures  

A precision partial denture is removable and has internal attachments rather than clasps that attach to the adjacent teeth. This is a more natural looking appliance where as , fixed partial dentures are nothing but bridges which we have already mentioned under crown and bridges.

Orthodontic Mini Implants

Ortho Implant is a recently developed mini-implant for orthodontic anchorage purposes. It’s a very small (1.5 – 2 mm wide) customised titanium alloy screw which acts as an anchor point in your jaw. Mini-implants are frequently placed between the roots of teeth, but may also be sited in the roof of the mouth. They are then connected to a fixed brace to help move the teeth. It is a small metal screw which is inserted through the gum into the jaw bone to act as an anchor to help move poorly positioned teeth. Some people also call them micro-screws, mini-implants or temporary anchorage devices (TADs).In order to move poorly positioned teeth, the other surrounding teeth usually provide a stable support for the force applied by the brace. It is not always possible to use these teeth and sometimes the force may cause the wrong teeth to move. In such cases, a mini-screw can be used to act as an ‘anchor’ to help with straightening your teeth and closing up gaps.

Single Sitting Painless Root Canal Treatment (RCT)

Endodontics is basically known as root canal treatment, which is the part of dentistry that deals with the inner portion of your tooth which is commonly called the nerve. The most common root canal procedure is basically a root canal treatment (RCT) or root filling .This procedure involves your dentist removing the inflamed ,infected or necrotic nerve from inside portion of tooth, followed by careful cleaning and placement of a root filling material into the root where the nerve originally was ,so that the root is sealed from your mouth and no infection can enter your jaw through the tooth. Endodontic procedures have evolved a great deal in the last few years and it is now possible to treat predictably and save a tooth that would have required extraction years back.

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are used to fill a portion of tooth or plug the hole and step any future pain or discomfort.
Types of dental fillings
1. Traditional silver amalgam fillings
2. Glass lonomer fillings
3. Composite resin tooth-coloured fillings
Silver amalgam fillings is the most widely used dental material for filling the teeth since the end of the last century. However this material though time tested, is losing popularity due to its unacceptable cosmetic appearance.
Glass lonomer filling is a tooth coloured filling material which is capable of getting adhered to the tooth structure and with continued fluoride release. Fluoride in turn prevents tooth decay and helps for remineralisation. However its use is limited to certain areas and conditions depending upon various factors.
Composite filling. These materials represent the latest range of cosmetic filling materials which have a property of bonding to the tooth structure. These materials find their application in many cases like filling of front and the back teeth , which are decayed , broken, chipped,or discoloured as well as in cases where they are gaps in between the teeth.

Dental Aligners

Dental Aligners discrete and effective
Your invisalign treatment consists of a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners. Each aligners is individually manufactured for your teeth only .As you replace each aligner one by one your teeth will move a little by little, week by week until they have straightened.
Whether teeth are crowded, too far apart or have shifted since wearing braces, we can help you gain a brighter, straight smile.


In order to prevent the teeth from moving back to their original position, retainers have to be worn for each patient after the completion of the treatment with braces, depending on their specific requirement. If the patient does not wear the retainers appropriately for the right time period the teeth many relapse to their previous position .Hawley retainers are used traditionally and they are made of metal clasps and a labial arch wire that surround the teeth which are kept in place by an acrylic plate moulded to fit the patients palate.

Orthodontic Braces

Orthodontic braces or simply braces are appliances used to help align or straighten teeth .Braces allow the orthodontist to treat malocclusions (unhealthy bite and irregular teeth), improving dental health and giving designer smiles. Braces can be either cosmetic or structural dental braces or orthodontic braces that are often used along with other orthodontic appliances to help to widen the palate or jaws and to other wise assist in shaping the teeth and jaws.
The braces move the teeth by applying mild force and pressure on the teeth. When mild forces are conveyed through the arch wires which engaged on to the brackets that bonded on teeth, the teeth move into their desired positions.
Types of braces - Ceramic braces,metal braces,self legating bracket.

Functional Orthodontics

Functional orthodontics include appliances like headgears, face bows, twin blocks and are used to restrict or modify, redirect a propagate growth of the perioral skeletal structures to get an aesthetic balance for the facial bones and for stable bites.

Gum Treatments

This branch of dentistry deals with the treatment of gums , which include scaling (ie cleaning), flap surgery, gingivectomy, frenectomy, depigmentation of gums .cleaning or oral prophylaxis involves removal of tartar which get deposited in the gums and around the tooth. Tartar results in bleeding and swelling of gums, later it can result in tooth loss. Flap surgery is done to control the infection which has spread to the bone.It is a painless procedure which is done under local anaesthesia. Gingivecomy is done when there is over growth of gums in relation to infection or due to usage of certain drugs.
Frencetomy: Frenum is a loose band of the tissue extending from the inner aspects of lips and gets attached to outer aspect of gums in both upper and lower jaw. Abnormal frenal attachment can result in spacing of teeth and frenectomy is the procedure done to eliminate these problems.

Locate Us

HO : Homely Dental Care Clinic, JLJ Square,Near KSEB Office Kattoor, Thrissur, Kerala . Pin 680702. Ph: +91 4802878887
BO : Homely Dental Care Clinic, JLJ Complex, Cherpu West Thrissur Kerala. Pin 680561. Ph: +91 9446418106